Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Maids ... hard to live without them, hard to live with them

Maid A is the cook. Shortly before lunch, she either decides to take a bath, go to the bank or do something that will make her disappear when she is needed. She also works very slowly. One time a cousin ordered pastel de pollo and macaroni. Cousin said she'd get it at 5. When I asked the maid what time she thought we should start, she said 8 a.m. so we can take our time. Heavens.

Maid B. She's the one supposed to know where my things are, medicines included. Once I asked her for Buscopan. She gave me Mucosolvan. I said, "Buscopan." She said, "Sinutab?" Darn. Then this noon, as I was about to eat my Chow King Chao fan which was rather spicy, I asked her for hoisin sauce to go with the recycled roasted duck we had in Spring Moon last Saturday. Maid A as usual was elsewhere (in the bank, I remember). Maid B said, "ketchup?" I said, "Hoisin." The ketchup in sachets from Pizza Hut were on the table so they were the first thing she saw. I said, "in the ref, red cover." She lifted a bottle of Japanese mayonnaise. I said, "Red bottle, hoisin." She showed me teriyaki sauce. After some time, she said there was no hoisin. I told her to check in the ref in the kitchen. After a while she came back with nothing. I texted Maid A in the bank and she said it was in the ref in the room. Meanwhile Maid B was looking in the shelves where we keep the groceries, though I said it should be in the ref. Finally she checked in the ref again. It was there. I asked why she didn't see it the first time. She said she had only looked on the top-most shelf. arrghhhhhhh.

Sometimes I wonder if they annoy me deliberately.


Kevin Ray N. Chua said...

Hi there Antoine. I am Kevin Ray Chua, the blogger of

I would like to ask for your help in my online signature campaign to urge Mar Roxas to run for President in 2010.

Please check for more details on the FEB. 14 Campaign. I need to get 500 signatures by that date.

I hope you can blog about it and forward the message to your entire contacts.

Thanks a lot for making a wise choice!

Unknown said...

Can Maid B read? I think she also has poor hearing that's why she keeps on guessing what it is that you want.

I'd rather have Maid A BUT I will forbid her from going away just before, during and immediately after lunch.

antonette said...

My goodness, sometimes I wonder too if they're color blind and can count. You see, I have a code number of buzzes per maid so that no one is victimized to come every time I buzz. But what do you know, Maids A and B always have a relative who comes as Maid C, like a younger sibling, whom they'd tell I called even if I buzzed their (Maids A and B's) code.

Anonymous said...

I want to laugh but this is no longer funny. Your maid are sadists. Send them back to where they came from!

Hay. I had to post this answer 3 times. This is the 4th. Is something wrong with Blogger?