It's almost 1 a.m. but barely 3 minutes ago, I got a text message from a friend of my sister. In the inbox, right under her name, I saw this vertical line like the capital letter I but a bit different. Unlike in the past when I'd ignore it thinking she failed to complete her message, I opened her text message and scrolled down. The words - "bala ng stapler" appeared. Wow, if I had been awakened from sleep and if she had been nearby, I could have hurled the stapler at her -- of course that's an exaggeration because I won't do it literally, maybe in my mind? haha. But send a message of that sort at 1 a.m.? I thought she had stopped doing that because it has been days since I last received a message from her in the early morning, but apparently, she's still at it. Jokes, inspirational messages in the wee hours of the morning. Her propensity to do this makes me wonder what time she sleeps, what she does the rest of the day, etc. I don't want to text her to stop the way a friend told me she had done to her friend who sent her Biblical passages around the same time. Her friend stopped doing it and I guess so did their friendship end. In my case, the lady sending me the messages isn't even that close to me, so I dare not do it. I wonder if she sends my sister the same and at the same time she does me. I wonder too what my sister's reaction has been. Do I ask her?
If the text message were of a religious nature (like the ones my friend received until she asked that she be spared), there might be something psychological behind the timing. It's just a hunch that I base on the fact that TV shows that proselytize are aired around that time. Maybe because the airtime is cheaper then? Methinks no. I think the more pressing reason for the choice of schedule is the subliminal effect on the viewers. Around that time, people are more vulnerable and therefore are easier to sway/convince/convert. Possibly too, people who don't sleep earlier are the type who might have problems so they lie awake thinking about it. I'm not saying all insomniacs are such, but based on the calls religious shows get, a good number of their viewers have problems. Just a thought...
Went to a shop this pm. The lady who owned it was very pleasant. I asked her advice on what to wear as ninang. As we conversed, she said that she had branched out into selling second-hand bags, pointing them out to me in the process. The bags were nice, huge ones that were apparently expensive. One was a Louis Vuitton. I told her that yes, I had read about second-hand bags being sold online and she said usually those who sold their pricey bags wanted to get new ones, later models, etc. She said that only yesterday, she sold a bag whose later model sells at P180,000 for P100,000. I didn't blink an eye but neither did I pretend I was interested. A bag for P100k? no way. She also said she had bags worth P60,000. Still, no way, Jose. The money could be put to better use.
A bag for P100,000! Grabe. Even if money was coming out of my ears, I can't imagine buying a bag that expensive. I don't think I'd be able to sleep well knowing I spent that much on a bag when that same amount could feed maybe 5-10 families for the whole month!
I, too, can't imagine spending so much for a bag. I'm sure there will always be less costly alternatives available.
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