First there was the ZTE-NBN deal gone kaput. JDVIII was an earful, very articulate and expressive, an Escudero in the making in terms of speech, bravura, audacity. Of course Escudero is better looking.
Then came the Glorietta blast. (Picture above is from http://images.google.com.ph/imgres?imgurl=http://images.newsmax.com/ap/50067136-0157-486e-b601-27c2f200236a.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.newsmax.com/international/philippines_explosion/2007/10/19/42248.html&h=341&w=512&sz=57&hl=tl&start=17&um=1&tbnid=uCQr6mIRWLeoeM:&tbnh=87&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dglorietta%2Bblast%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dtl%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26channel%3Ds%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DN)
Methane gas? Whoa. Not according to the Chemical engineers of UP who are the experts more than the military, I would think. For while indeed the military may have been trained on bomb detection and such, the UP professors have many years, tomes and books read and maybe, written, among them, making them more credible. Rajah Soliman Movement claimed responsibility for the bombing. Rajah who? When people didn't seem to bite the idea, the methane gas proposition was advanced. Methinks they should get a more knowledgeable and credible scriptwriter. One news columnist (Willy Esposo, I think) suggested it was a US operation. My oh my.
What came next? The executive clemency given to Erap. Sure, Erap looks pitiful visiting his ill mother, waving at people. But like a group suggested, so let's all commit crimes because people are let off so easily. Those who choose to heed such advice should think twice about doing so. Erap is Erap, you may not be as well-placed and therefore, not as fortunate. Another group said, so what was the trial for if absolution would be given so shortly after? Moro-moro yet again? (Although my husband recalls how President Ford granted President Nixon clemency shortly after he was declared guilty of the Watergate scandal. whatever... oh and Ford also mentioned it was one of the most difficult decisions he had to make. GMA, as read by Bunye, said as much.)
The reactions of the past Philippine presidents are a study in contrast. First of was FVR's who said Erap's release will create problems for the administration. In sharp contrast was Cory's who said something about reconciliation being a good thing. So why hasn't she reconciled with the Marcoses? Oh yes, maybe because they haven't asked for forgiveness, a requirement she declared years ago.
Regardless, how messy things are in Philippine government...
(Re the Glorietta blast, a cousin, her daughter, her two grandchildren and two maids were among the victims. My cousin's ear had to be stitched, the back of her granddaughter too, one maid fractured something and had to undergo surgery. GMA visited them, the US Embassy sent flowers because my cousin's daughter is a US citizen.)
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