I am hungry but my cook is moves so slowly. Some 15 minutes ago, I asked her to fry fish for me. The fish isn't done yet. Some 7 minutes ago, I called Jollibee to order nacho overload, double cheese burger and two pieces fried chicken for my son and voila, they're here now, ready to be eaten. I'm amazed. I'm impressed.
My cook really takes her sweet time doing chores. One time I asked her to pour the pastel stuffing into the pyrex and was I stunned. As she tried to flatten them in the pyrex, her strokes made her look like a painter doing work on a canvas. Very sllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww. No wonder I seem to have ulcers, though I hope I am wrong. Sometimes, though it can turn out more expensive, I buy food rather than have her cook. Or I ask her to prepare a meal two or three hours in advance. If it weren't pathetic, it would be funny.
More later. The fish has arrived. Alleuluia. She smiled when I told her Jollibee arrived before the fish did. Embarrassed? Not at all. She said, instead, that the chorizo I had her cook earlier was really sour. I asked how she knew. Can you guess? She filched/pinched a morsel, she said. oh mmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy.
I downloaded the images from the Internet. The cook looks as grouchy as my cook, Jollibee seems to be laughing at her. Honest, their positions (layout) and looks weren't deliberately chosen. I just found them cute. But on hindsight, they look apt.
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