In an earlier blog, I wrote about fasting before receiving Holy Communion. Researched on the matter as bugsybee confirmed what a friend had said, two friends, in fact, a couple. Following is what I found from the website of ewtn (www.ewtn.com/faith/teachings/euchb2a.htm)
370, What are the current rules for fasting before Holy Communion?
(a) For many centuries the Church commanded a strict fast from midnight before one could receive Holy Communion. However, in the 1950's Pope Pius XII introduced a much more lenient form of fasting before Holy Communion in order to give Catholics an opportunity to receive Holy Communion more frequently.
(b) Pope Pius XII also allowed the celebration of afternoon and evening Masses every day, when the spiritual good of a considerable number of the faithful requires it. It is the right of the bishop of each diocese to decide when such Masses may be offered in his diocese.
(c) Paul VI further reduced the fasting requirement after the Second Vatican Council, requiring only a one hour fast from all food and drink (excluding water). This may be reduced to 15 minutes for those who are sick or for other important reasons. This is the practice currently in force
Wow, all these years... I'll try to do better from hereon in. Thanks bugsybee.
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