A few minutes ago, I watched SIS, curious whether Chris Tiu would join Manny Pacquiao in his first incursion on Philippine TV after his victory over Barrera 4 days ago. Chris wasn't with him but some things I noted were the following:
1. Manny Pacquiao is polite. When Paolo Bediones who was seated behind him asked him a question, Paolo interjected as Manny began to answer, "Don't look back you might get a stiff neck". At the time Paolo said that, the camera was not on Manny who was answering the question (yes some TV cameramen aren't alert). Anyway, as Manny continued to speak, the cameras finally zoomed in on him and this time he still appeared to turn so he could look at Paolo as he answered. I'm impressed. Way back when I was much, much younger, Papa always said "When you talk to someone or vice versa, always look at the person in the eye." Manny was doing just that.
2. German Moreno asked Manny how he found Kyla's singing of the National Anthem. Manny answered, "ok lang," GM said, "Okay lang?" Kyla who was seated nearby merely smiled, while GM was trying hard to elicit more effusive comments from MP. Why do people on TV who ask questions-- be they tv show shost or news anchors-- persist with their questions even if these have been answered if the answers given weren't what they expected? I think this is downright impolite. And watch out when they ask questions... they answer it before the subject who is supposed to do it does.
Another thing with GM, he had a follow up question asking MP why he didn't drop by for the motorcade in Manila when the people there were waiting. MP said he didn't get an invitation until on the plane. By then it was too late to change plans. This time GM said, but you have no plans of disappointing them, right? You'll go there? MP was trying to think up an answer when Gelli interrupted and changed the subject matter. GM can be so pushy. Poor Manny. Good thing Gelli sensed the tension there.
I stopped watching at that point. I didn't like GM's bullying MP.
Like mosquitoes, why are there so many bullies in this world? In the Senate or Congress, they also abound.
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