Yesterday, the mom of the classmate of my son told my husband the music playing in their car was of my son playing the guitar/piano and/or singing. that made me beam when I found out. Earlier, my son said he was known to some people in UP whom he had never met for the same reason. A number he doesn't know have his music in their IPODs. How heartwarming. Months ago, my sisters were in the house and we played music my son uploaded into his Multiply account over the computer so my sisters could hear them. In the meantime, my son's classmates arrived. they had to proceed to our bedroom as my sisters and I were in the dining area. As they walked towards the room, one classmate commented, "Astig, music mo ang pinapatugtog." That he recognized it was proof positive that he knew my son's music, listened to it, and maybe uploaded it to his IPOD.
He has become a member of a singing group. He is one of 3 who's an undergrad. the rest are professionals/working people. They practice twice a week, late into the night. He and his friend performed with the group for the first time last Friday. they seemed like a happy group. I've only met two of them previously from my son's high school affiliation. Several gays there, but funny gays. One of them said, when my son told him he'd leave the house early the next morning to play basketball, "Basket? pare, sama ako... basket weaving." I can't wait to get to know them. they have some weddings lined up, possibly a recording next year. And the best part: once a month they'll sing at Sunday mass in the parish church of one of the members. Also, because of this latest membership, my son helped change a flat tire when the car of one of the girls in the group suffered one. In his high school affiliation, I was pleased that between learning about God and how to sing, act, dance, the boys were taught to hammer things together, clean the bathroom, sweep the floor, etc.
You should upload the music here. :)
How can I get a copy? I want it on my iPod too so I can tell all and sundry that I am the proud aunt. (Makisawsaw man.)
thanks for the suggestion but i'm not sure blogger carries that feature. would you know?
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