Joey de Leon is admittedly naughty, has a propensity to use double entendres, that he has wit and intelligence cannot be denied. Purists might just outrightly dismiss him as bastos, but there's more to him than meets the eye. Wit cannot be had without intelligence and Joey has both in surfeit. He observes people with a keen eye and does his homework. That he reads books, watches the news and has a healthy respect for the learned is evident. Watch him nod sport an admiring look when a contestant answers a less than easy question correctly. Listen to him as he comments or issues repartee or ripostes very quickly. His recording successes aren't whimsy, they are grounded on ingenuity. And he is a good father. He works every single day of the week because his children want to study in the Ivy League schools and are in fact there now. When his children in the grade school were in the honor roll, he was present during the reading of honors, lining up along with the other parents. He values education, that's for sure. And for his stance I respect him.
Jose Manalo started out as a PA or production assistant. But talent cannot but surface and Jose has TALENT. He dances very well and is quick witted too. He has a way of leading the audience to follow his dance moves, no matter how crazy these moves seem. I just hope he won't go the way of Richie D'Horsie who drowned himself in illegal drugs, so it has been said.
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