It's the fault of Angelina Jolie. After Tomb Raider where she was so attractive with a trim body and full, full lips, the Filipinas took notice and worked on having leaner bodies. They also had their lips injected for these to be fuller. I'll try to upload before and after pictures here. How did I know about the injection thing? Joyce Jimenez admitted it and said the procedure had to be repeated after every few weeks (or was it months?) The reason I thought of writing about this was seeing Kaye Brosas on The Sweet Life last night. She had her upper and lower lips injected apparently and was very conscious, maybe uncomfortable with the extra baggage. She looked pitiful. I didn't think there was anything wrong with her lips before... How do injected lips look? Think of how your lips look after an ant has bitten them. They're swollen-looking.
Just uploaded Gretchen's two pictures and the layout is a mess. Pops fuller lips picture is under Angelina Jolie's. I'll post the pictures again in a separate blog. Just the pictures.
LOL. This made me laugh so hard, I choked!
haha. How I wish I had a more recent picture of Kaye with her puffed lips. Gretchen had in a magazine before. If I find it, I'll upload it here.
I have a friend who has been an Angelina Jolie fan back when she wasn't yet famous. She said "gasakit jaws and cheeks ko mag lantaw kay Angelina!", referring to Angelina's lips.
That's funny. But I guess, Angelina's are natural?
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