Friday, July 20, 2007

Robert Alejandro

This guy is so talented and he seems nice. Years back he left for Canada to try his luck out there. By then the TV show Probe had transferred to Channel 2 and it was sheer coincidence that I saw him crying on the show because he was so homesick. Now it seems he's back in the Philippines. We're lucky to have him back.

His family owns Papemelroti which I used to patronize back when I was in college. They had cute stuff then-- stationeries, ceramic figures, wall hangings, etc. I haven't been to their stores in a while which is why I speak in the past tense. But I guess, the quality is the same if not better.

Back to Robert. How well he draws and how quickly. The other night, I caught the tail-end of Probe which featured his visits to Pampanga and Bulacan -- a virtual food trip. He didn't enthuse too much about the food, so I guess they were okay but not spectacular. What caught my attention, though, was how he sat down on the pavement across an old house and started to sketch it. Wow, I thought, he was like a photographer taking a snapshot of the house but better. Several strokes went into that sketch and each was painstakingly done. Wow!

For more on him, check this out:

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