Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reflections/Recollections on a Homily at a Wake

Last night I attended the mass for the son of a dear couple, who passed away at the young age of 24. The homily the priest delivered was one of the best, if not the best I've heard in a long while, especially at a wake.

One thing I recall clearly is what he said about "buds" dying, in reference to the youth of the deceased. He said God gathers even those buds and makes them perfect in the garden among the full-blown flowers in heaven.

He also mentioned how people would say to the bereaved family that the death of a dear one is "God's will". He clarified how not everything that happens is God's will, but may be born out of decisions man makes because of free will. I am always amazed at how people blame God and ask how He can allow evil to prosper when the evil actually stems from a bad/wrong decision made by the one blaming God. Just because that bad decision resulted to misfortune, the person blames God? But when the bad decision turns in favor of the decision-maker, he takes all the credit? Something wrong there.

When one goes to a wake to comfort the bereaved, words are never enough. Sometimes, they are too much even if they are well meant. Sometimes, silence, a comforting shoulder, one's presence, a tight embrace are the best forms of consolation one can offer. Sometimes,too, the bereaved family becomes the source of acceptance and strength of those who come to console - a reversal of roles, admittedly, but it happens. Maybe the bereaved family draws strength from the immense grace they are showered with at such a difficult time. Yes, maybe, they do...

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