Presently, I am in the sala blogging. A rare experience actually, one which afforded me the chance to hear my son playing his keyboard for hours. You see I had the aircon in the room undergo general cleaning (c/o VIREX, which I believe has a branch in Bacolod) and to take advantage of the disarray which that undertaking results in, I had the maid clean up the room thereafter. Which meant, I had to move to the sala where I made a key lime pie following one of the recipes I found in the Net, Lina, and while it didn't exactly taste like the one in Mamou, it's edible. I'll let husband taste it later and hear what he has tot say. Anyway, it was while I was making the pie in the sala when my son came in from his walk back home from school. And so he stayed on in the sala and played the keyboard cum piano. Some pieces were familiar, some his own creations. A friend asked him to play the piano for the debut of his girlfriend's sister soon. Now son is beside me, doing stuff in his laptop. Most likely he's surfing, but I don't want to peek.
Earlier too he showed me something he bought from an Aeta in front of National Bookstore in Katipunan. I'll take its picture. Darn the picture didn't look good. I tried to take it with the videocam. Later again. Anyway, it's a bamboo thing that the Aeta was selling. It could make bird-like sounds. My son got one for P70 and the Aeta taught him how to use it. Fill the receptacle with water up to a certain level, blow into the tube, etc. It's like a flute that looks like a pitcher with a spout.
We ordered McDo burgers: he a double cheeseburger meal go big time, me a cheesburger meal. I used a coupon he brought home from a friend so his go big time aspect didn't require our paying additional. Funny cause I as asked the operator who took my order for some coupons and when the delivery boy came, he handed over a whole stack, maybe an inch and a half high. We'd need a decade to finish all these except that it's expiring May 31. Maybe, that's why he gave so many.
Will post the picture of the bird thing later, promise.
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