But there was one thing she said that shocked, shook and amused me. She said that girls, if they are intelligent, should not show off their intelligence when they are with men, or something to that effect. I'm not sure if she said it was unfeminine but really, in this age, are we still supposed to behave like we are dumb just so the egos of the men are not crushed? I found the idea a bit outrageous, anachronistic, old-fashioned, preposterous, wrong. I mean whatever for?
Now I'll bet you can guess who she is. She's really pretty and was one of Harper's most beautiful in the sixties. She was formerly governor of a province, has a PhD or something, is interested in our Muslim brothers, was rumored to be .... never mind. hahaha. Her nickname consists of eight letters, two syllables, the second a repetition of the first.
But wait, do you agree with her? I might be presuming no one else does. Again, mwahahaha for my being so presumptuous.
She sometimes puts one of this on her hair

After reading that she has so many daughters and only 1 is unmarried, I guessed who it was you were writing about.
And of course I don't agree! No no no! Indi gid ya pwede! And I think "intelligent" women who pretend to be dumb when they're with men aren't really intelligent but downright dumb.
But here's food for thought ha: many of the brightest women I know aren't married. Ha ha ha!
I was so amused hearing her comment, so old school. And you're right about how many of the brightest women aren't married. I know one too, right Chew? Aside of course from you.
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