The text in the poster above is so flawed, even mean. It's so below the belt. A winner is a winner is a winner. Better a retardate running a race like that and maybe even winning, than a macho guy who picks pockets or conducts hold ups because he is too lazy to break into a sweat by working. How sad that this poster has chosen to malign the physically challenged. I would say that even if I weren't. Why write/speak ill of the disabilities of people who didn't choose to have them? Why make fun of them? Rather than do that, why not chastise or rant against the lazy, the thieves, the corrupt?
Got it from this site: http://carcino.gen.nz/images/index.php/00b9a680/463c5922 where it is referred to as "funny images". What's so funny about it? It is a joyous picture, depicting the triumph of the human spirit against all odds! Shame on those who put this up.
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