Those are apple slices beside it, the tartest I've ever tasted. Maybe they're a different variety. Thanks Joey, just the same. We love you and your family.
Here's a picture of the fruit's contents and the unopened fruit:
This afternoon, the maid came in with another food present. When I saw it, my first thought was "blueberry cheesecake". Then I looked closely. The round thingies were too small to be blueberries. So I thought, "Caviar" but again it occurred to me, caviar is just too expensive to give away to lesser mortals like us. Then I recalled a childhood fruit in our garden, "blackberries." I texted the giver, a doctor friend whose son is a good friend of my son's, to verify. She called and said "that's caviar pie." I told her that it occurred to me it was caviar but I couldn't believe it until I heard it from her. She said it will be good enough till new year's eve if there will be any left by then. She had prepared the pie herself. Sweet of her, no? Can't wait to taste it. Will I be able to postpone trying it till the new year? She advised me to buy Fita cookies; I did.
Following is a picture of the caviar pie, very artistically arranged on a salad plate with lemon slices on top and rosemary leaves (?) around. I thought they were from the cypress tree but then again, they also looked like rosemary. I'll have to smell them to know for sure. Maybe, tomorrow. The picture:
To go on, when my doctor friend called to tell me re the caviar pie, she also mentioned that there were several policemen and SWAT teams and vehicles in front of our house. Like they were there to raid something. That alarmed me so I told my husband about it, while at the same time fearful that if he went out, that might create problems. He did go out and saw a SWAT man with a mask who raised his mask as he spoke to my husband. When my husband recalled their conversation, he said the SWAT man was "guapo and young".
Anyway, when he asked the man what was going on, the man said there was a car chase from Commonwealth that ended in front of the house. The pursued were carnappers, my husband was told. They had parked the car and run away but the tricycle drivers nearby refused to let on as to which direction they fled. How Filipino? So uninvolved. The SWAT guy asked if my husband knew who owned the white car, a Honda sedan. My husband said he didn't know but he also mentioned that the red car in front of the white car had been there for weeks. Husband then went back to the house. This was half past five.
Our son was supposed to come home at 630 pm from school where he was in the thick of preparations for his org homecoming tomorrow; but I warned him not to come home just yet lest he be accosted by the police. We told him to stay put and we'd just pick him up to go to the funeral parlor where Hangad would sing for the wake of a friend's grandma. He followed instructions and good that he did because as we were about to go out through the open gate, the police stopped us. Again, the same questions: do you know who owns the white car? etc. I asked, "what happened?" The policeman just smiled. Inis. He could ask questions and get answers, we couldn't. And the police cars were on either side of our gate, they refused to move an inch to make backing out easier. Luckily a barangay tanod guided my husband as he drove out in reverse. I wanted to take pictures but my husband prevailed on me not to. Pity. It was an interesting sight. There were female SOCO taking fingerprints and the white car looked a mess with black smudges that looked like they were made by very dirty hands or carbon paper. At past 8 I texted my cousin who lives in the condo nearby to check if the police were still around. They were. Around 930 she said they weren't. So we headed for home. The white car wasn't there any longer. I'm surprised that it didn't have bullet holes when I saw it earlier. Wow, the police actually practiced restraint. They didn't fire at the car they were chasing.
Will the incident be in the news? I doubt very much as there was no media around despite the fact that the whole thing lasted more than 3 hours. What gives? Will we ever know?
After we dropped off our son at Loyola Guadalupe, husband and I drove to Power Plant. I think it was the first time we did this Christmas because I was floored by the lights The trees looked aflame with red lights filling most of them. I took some pictures. When I showed them to my son, he said, "Did you do this on purpose?" I said no. It was just that the car was moving. No deliberately artsy-fartsy stuff here, just a moving vehicle from which I took the pictures. Here they are:
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