Hahaha. Couldn't help but add Mahjong to the title. While the country was in disarray, the Chinese ladies were playing mahjong perpetually. And the title of the movie says Lust, Caution. But it should have simply been titled Lust. The sex scenes and nudity were long and drawn-out. I found them too explicit and excessive. The caution part was hardly evident. The collaborator aspect of the main character wasn't fleshed out; his body and lust were. It was a long movie 2 hours 37 minutes, the female lead looked better without makeup. With makeup she looked like Christine Bersola. The male lead wasn't the type ladies would swoon about, looks wise. The young head of the rebel group looked so much better.
Ang Lee -- I'm not sure he is my type of director, plus his choice of movies to make are outre. First Brokeback Mountain, now Lust, Caution. I didn't see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (oohhhh notice how he loves to pair words), maybe I should if only to appreciate why Ang Lee is so talked about and lauded.
Oh, and the female lead showed armpits with hair in them like a man's. At first I thought they were her male partner's. Whoa. Paging Vicky Belo.
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